2020 nominees for the Human Rights and Business Award
Following is a list of all the organizations nominated for the 2020 Human Rights and Business Award by members of the foundation’s Advisory Network. Each of these is doing important work deserving international recognition.
- Migrant Workers Rights Network (MWRN) (Thailand) – AWARD RECIPIENT
- Alliance Voahary Gasy (Madagascar)
- Awaj Foundation (Bangladesh)
- Crude Accountability (Kazakhstan/Turkmenistan/Azerbaijan)
- Ecolur (Armenia)
- Oil-Workers’ Rights Protection Organization Public Union (Azerbaijan)
- Reporter Brasil (Brazil)
- Le Réseau des Organisations pour la Transparence et l’Analyse Budgétaire (ROTAB) (Niger)
- Unión de Comunidades y Ejidos en Defensa de la Tierra, del Agua y de la Vida “Atcolhua” (Mexico)
- Wassa Association of Communities Affected by Mining (WACAM) (Ghana)