2018 nominees for the Human Rights and Business Award
Following is a list of all the organizations nominated for the 2018 Human Rights and Business Award by members of the foundation’s Advisory Network. Each of these is doing important work deserving international recognition.
- Al-Haq (Palestine)
- Alliance Voahary Gasy (Madagascar)
- Association of Environmental Lawyers of Liberia (Green Advocates) (Liberia)
- Crude Accountability (Kazakhstan/Turkmenistan/Azerbaijan)
- Ecolur (Armenia)
- Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) (Egypt)
- Institute for Peace and Secular Studies (Pakistan)
- Justica nos Trilhos (Brazil)*
*2018 AWARD RECIPIENT - Lawyers’ Association for Human Rights of Nepalese Indigenous Peoples (LAHURNIP) (Nepal)
- Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center (Philippines)
- El Poder del Consumidor (The Consumer’s Power) (Mexico)
- Uzbek-German Forum for Human Rights (Uzbekistan)